Advanced Learner Loan

  • Advanced Learning Loans are available for learners:
    • aged 19 and over
    • studying at level 3 or above, including QCF Certificates, Diplomas.
  • Learners can apply for a loan to meet the tuition costs of their course, which will be paid directly to their college or training organisation on their behalf.
  • The loans will not be means tested and will not be subject to credit checks. To be eligible the learner must meet the required criteria.
  • A learner is entitled to a loan up to the maximum amount of public funding available for a course or up to the level of fee charged by the college or training organisation (whatever is the lowest).
  • The loan application will cover the duration of the course.
  • Loan repayments will only start when the individual has left their course, and is earning more than £524 a week, £2,083 a month or £27,295 a year (before tax and any other deductions).
  • You pay back 9% of the money you earn. If you’re employed, loan repayments will be taken directly from your salary through the tax system.
  • Any outstanding balance on a loan will be written off after 30 years.
  • You can make voluntary repayments at any time, which can be made to Student Finance England

To be eligible for one of these loans you must:

  • be aged 19 or over at the start of your course;
  • be undertaking as eligible course at an approved college or training organisation in England;
  • be living in the UK on the first day of your course;
  • have been living in the UK for 3 years before starting your course;
  • be a UK national of have 'settled status'.

 Before taking out any loan you should consider all of your options. If you want advice on managing your finances, visit the Money Advice Service at for impartial advice.

For information and advice on learning, career and funding options, visit

For more information on loans and to apply, visit


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